fire and smoke damage

Fire and smoke damage can wreak havoc on a structure; even a small fire can cause significant damage. Hiring Florida Claims Pros to assist with a fire and smoke damage insurance claim can significantly enhance the claims process and increase the likelihood of receiving a fair settlement. We can help speed up the recovery process and reduce the stress.


Trusted & Reliable

  • Ensure the fire is completely extinguished, and it is safe to re-enter the home.

  • Be aware of potential health risks from smoke inhalation and soot, and wear protective gear if necessary.

  • Notify your insurance company about the fire and initiate the claims process.

  • Obtain a claim number and the contact information for the adjuster assigned by your insurance company, and then contact us.

If left untreated, smoke damage leads to corrosion, discoloration, odors, structural weaknesses, and health problems, so being prepared for smoke damage is the key to fixing it quickly. Temperature, the type of fire (smoldering or blazing), and the materials burned influence necessary cleanup measures.

Hiring a public adjuster to assist with a fire and smoke damage insurance claim can significantly enhance the claims process and increase the likelihood of receiving a fair settlement. Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigating a fire and smoke damage claim with the help of a public adjuster:

Initial Steps After a Fire

  1. Ensure Safety:

– Ensure the fire is completely extinguished and it is safe to re-enter the home.

– Be aware of potential health risks from smoke inhalation and soot, and wear protective gear if necessary.

  1. Contact Your Insurance Company:

– Notify your insurance company about the fire and initiate the claims process.

– Obtain a claim number and the contact information for the adjuster assigned by your insurance company.

  1. Hire a Public Adjuster:

– Research and Select: Choose a licensed and reputable public adjuster with experience handling fire and smoke damage claims.

– Agreement: Sign a contract outlining the public adjuster’s fees and services. Typically, public adjusters charge a percentage of the settlement amount.

Working with the Public Adjuster

  1. Initial Consultation:

– Damage Assessment: The public adjuster will visit your property to assess the extent of the damage and discuss your insurance policy coverage.

– Strategy Development: They will develop a strategy for documenting the damage and preparing the claim.

  1. Documentation:

– Detailed Inventory: The public adjuster will create a detailed inventory of all damaged or destroyed items, including descriptions, approximate values, and purchase dates.

– Photographs and Videos: They will take comprehensive photographs and videos of all affected areas and items.

– Professional Estimates: The public adjuster may bring in contractors or restoration experts to provide professional estimates for repair and replacement costs.

  1. Claim Preparation:

– Claim Form: The public adjuster will help you complete the claim form, ensuring all damage is accurately described and documented.

– Supporting Documents: They will compile all necessary documents, including photos, videos, inventories, and professional assessments.

Filing and Negotiating the Claim

  1. Submit the Claim:

The public adjuster will submit the claim to the insurance company on your behalf, ensuring that all required information is included.

They will keep a copy of all submitted documents and maintain a record of communication with the insurance company.

  1. Insurance Adjuster Inspection:

Joint Inspection: The public adjuster will accompany the insurance company’s adjuster during the inspection to ensure that all damage is properly noted and assessed.

– Advocacy: They will advocate on your behalf, pointing out damage and providing evidence to support the claim.

  1. Negotiation:

– Settlement Offer: After the insurance adjuster provides a settlement offer, the public adjuster will review it and compare it to their assessment.

– Counteroffer: If the offer is insufficient, the public adjuster will negotiate with the insurance company to seek a higher settlement.

– Dispute Resolution: If necessary, the public adjuster can assist in invoking the appraisal clause in your policy or other dispute resolution methods.

Post-Settlement Assistance

  1. Review and Finalize:

– Settlement Review: The public adjuster will review the final settlement offer to ensure it covers all documented damage and costs.

– Agreement: Once a fair settlement is reached, they will help you understand and agree to the terms.

  1. Rebuilding and Repairs:

– Contractor Selection: The public adjuster may assist in selecting reputable contractors for repairs and rebuilding.

– Monitoring: They can monitor the repair process to ensure work is completed to a high standard and within budget.

Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster

  1. Expertise and Experience:

– Professional Knowledge: Public adjusters have extensive knowledge of insurance policies, claims processes, and typical tactics insurance companies use.

– Damage Assessment: They are skilled in identifying and documenting all types of fire and smoke damage, including hidden or less obvious damage.

  1. Maximized Settlement:

– Comprehensive Documentation: Public adjusters ensure that all damage is documented and included in the claim.

Effective Negotiation: Their expertise in negotiation often results in higher settlements compared to policyholders handling claims independently.

  1. Time and Stress Reduction:

– Handling Paperwork: Public adjusters manage all paperwork and communication with the insurance company, reducing the burden on the homeowner.

– Focus on Recovery: Homeowners can focus on recovering and rebuilding, knowing their claim is professionally managed.

Choosing the Right Public Adjuster

  1. Check Credentials:

– Licensing: Ensure the public adjuster is licensed in your state.

– Certifications: Look for certifications from reputable industry organizations, such as the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA).

  1. Experience:

– Track Record: Choose a public adjuster with a proven track record of successfully handling fire and smoke damage claims.

– Specialization: Consider an adjuster who specializes in the type of damage your home has sustained.

  1. References and Reviews:

– Client Testimonials: Check references and read reviews from previous clients to gauge the adjuster’s reputation and service quality.

  1. Fees and Contracts:

– Fee Structure: Understand the fee structure, typically a percentage of the claim settlement, and ensure it is clearly outlined in the contract.

– Transparency: Ensure the contract is transparent and accessible to hidden fees.

By leveraging the expertise of a public adjuster, homeowners can more effectively navigate the complexities of fire and smoke damage insurance claims and improve their chances of receiving a fair and adequate settlement.

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  • Fire and smoke damage can wreak havoc on a structure; even a small fire can cause significant damage. Hiring Florida Claims Pros to assist with a fire and smoke damage insurance claim can significantly enhance the claims process and increase the likelihood of receiving a fair settlement. We can help speed up the recovery process and reduce the stress.